We will begin with the background, left border graphic and the message area. Also, you may click here to view the finished product.


Adding A Background

First thing that happens when you open Scrippy is... nothing! Choose file-new File-New or use this graphic, clicking on the white paper will open up a new blank page.  Now let's add a background.


You can use the small preview to see how your background looks and to make sure that it will tile without any noticeable connections.  This gives your background a one-piece look.  If connections are noticeable it doesn't look too well.

Here are two examples to show you what I mean by that statement.  In the first box on the left the image is not tiling and the one on the right shows a background that does tile.  You can see which one looks best for yourself.  Unless you intentionally desire to use a non-tiling image, this will not look well for your stationery or web page background.  A program exists called 20/20 or 'Bylight' which can tile your background image.  Click here to visit their website and download this program.

Bordered Image


Adding An Image

Next thing you will want to do, in the event of a left border scroll, is add a graphic!  You can put any graphic here that you choose but some images need a border for separation purposes.  The reason for this is to separate the two portions and make it look nicer.  Again I will give you two examples to explain this.

Go to Insert - Scrolling Border - Left Border Scroll and click it.

 Add a Left Border Scroll

This is what you now have.  Click on the browse button and go and choose the graphic you'd like to use.  Here is the one that I chose.


Here is what that graphic looks like unbordered in a left border scroll.

Unbordered Image

This is the bordered one.

Bordered Image

Now you can see what a difference something as simple as a border can make.  These borders are just plain bevels but for our purpose here will suffice to make a point.  The borders separate your image to make it look much better.  Some images don't need a border and you can tell that by trial and error.  Use your small preview and your large preview at all times to see how your stat looks as you are going along.


Adding a Message Area

Next you will want to add a message area.  Since you have chosen a two-piece background and by that I mean the graphic is not part of your background, when you add a message area it will automatically be placed 30 pixels from the top and 30 pixels from the left.  These numbers can be changed depending on your likes and dislikes.

Add a Message Area
Go to Insert - Message Area

Message Area
This is what you will see next, with all options as shown.

Now this is how your scrippy master will appear.  You see on the left all of the parts that we have added so far.  Shown here also are the message margins.  You can change these at will.  I generally use 15-20 for mine as I like less wasted space but it is just a matter of taste.  At the top is shown the font type.  Change this to whatever font you like, however keep in mind that only certain fonts can be viewed by everyone.  If they do not have the font you choose to use installed on their computer they won't see that one, just their standard font, which usually is Arial I believe.  Change the size of the font also to taste.  The little palette allows you to change the color of your font.  I usually type in Text Here, darken that in and then make my changes, then preview it to see if the text color is readable.  One large mistake I see a lot is that people use a font color or font type that is very hard to read.  If people get a headache trying to read your email they usually give up and never see what it was that you wrote.  What a waste!  Here's what I did with mine.

Message Area

Text Shown

As you can see, the text shows up very nicely and is very readable. Next you might want to add some sound. 


Next, Adding Sound and a Loading Message

Left Border Scroll Tutorial Page Two

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This website and all content may be freely copied, reproduced or shared without prior permission from the webmaster.  All graphics represented here are originals (other than lesson pictures) and all tutorials are provided by the webmaster.

Created by Ozmee, May 2001