As some have expressed an
interest in this stationery, we will try this one out now. Click here
to download the zip with all of the graphics and the music file.
Click here to see the finished result.
1. Insert a background using
the ertebg3.jpg image.
2. Next insert a
positioned container and set the left and right margins to be 25 pixels from
each side. Make the top margin 200 and the bottom margin 25.
3. Insert another
background and for this one please use the war-bg4-gold.jpg image. This
is a non-scrolling background as are all of them for this particular
4. Next comes a
double styled frame of 15 pixels, color of black.
5. Next is another
positioned container, with all of the edges set on the right, 35 pixels from
the left, right, top and bottom. This insures that the inside of our
main container will stay at an equal distance from the main edges regardless
of the size it is while being viewed. This container resides underneath
and 'in' the first one.
6. Frame, 4 pixels,
groove, color of black.
7. Add a background
using the war-bg5-gold.jpg.
8. Next is another positioned
container. Set the left and right margins to 85 each. Set
the top at 260 and the bottom to 85. This container is a 'boss'
container and does go all the way over to the left and not under the previous
9. Insert another
frame, size 4, color black and style groove.
10. Insert a
background using the war-bg4-gold.jpg graphic.
11. Now insert
another positioned container and set all of the
edges 15 pixels, (right, left, top and bottom). This one goes under the
previous one that was just made.
12. Now we will
insert another frame, and the size will still be 4 but this one will be inset
and use the default gray color.
13. Insert a
background using the erte3bg.jpg graphic.
14. Insert a message
area, placing it at the left margin. The left and right margins are
150. Top margin is 350 and the bottom margin is 135.
15. Our main
positioned image goes next. By placing it here we are ensuring that it
will be on top of everything else. Set this to center and from the top,
leaving the numbers at 0.
16. Insert a loading message, ticker and some
sound. The sound used here is eponanew.mid.
17. Now insert two
positioned images and use the bluesclues.gif animation. The settings for
them are as follows: Horizontal from the left and vertical from the top,
both numbers are left at 0. For the second image use horizontal from the
right and vertical from the top, both numbers left at 0. Although these
look like floaters they are just animations put in one spot.
It wasn't really hard
although it might have looked like it was! When you decide to make one
of these using your own gif and yes it has to be a gif with a transparent
background, you may need to try different number settings to get it into the
right spot. I moved my container down or up depending on how close it
was to the image. In this case I didn't have to move it much. In
images where you have hands that you want to be holding onto the frame of your
container, you will have to play with the numbers until you get it just
right. It's really easy.
Hope you had fun with it!
Created by Ozmee,
September 2001. This tutorial may be freely copied. Graphics shown
on this page were created by me and may be
snagged or reused at will. The Erte image was obtained through a
newsgroup and is not my property. I place no restrictions of any kind on any
image I create unless otherwise stated, other than the fact that no portion of
any page found at this web site may be reused for financial gain.