Purple Witch

Welcome to the Purple Witch tutorial.  A request was made for a lesson that would be a complete surprise as to the finished product.  For that reason no preview is available for this tutorial.  Also, no zipped file will be provided.  You will provide your own graphics for this lesson.  I will provide only the instructions.

 1.  Open up a new master scrippy and insert a background.  Set the color to match that of the background you wish to use.  Make this background a busy one and not a muted one.  If you set the color to match your background, then when you or anyone else does  a preview, it will look much better.

2.  Insert a positioned container.  Set this from the left horizontally with a size of 70.  The distance from the left is 0.  Set the top and bottom edges to 0.

3.  Under this positioned container, insert a left container, size 5.  Now insert a background of color only.  This color should match your busy background in darkness.  Make sure to save this color as a favorite.  You will need it again.  All of the following until notified will go under this main container.

4.  Insert a left container, size 5.  Insert a background of a color and this color should be a little bit lighter than the last one.  Make sure to save this color as a favorite, you will need it again.

5.  Insert a left container, size 5.  Insert a background of a color and make this one lighter than the second one.  Make sure to save this color as a favorite also.

6.  Insert one more left container, size 5.  Insert a background of a color and make this one lighter than the last.  Make sure to save this color as a favorite.

7.  Insert a positioned container.  Set this 20 from the left with a size of 50.  Set the top and bottom edges to 0.  This is a sub-container just as the left containers all are.

8.  Insert a background under this sub-container and use the darkest one that you have saved.  Set the transparency to 50.

9.  Now insert four right containers with a background of color and reverse your colors.  Start with the darkest color for the first one and end with the lightest color (these are colors you should have saved already).

10.  Now you should have a main container with four left containers, one positioned container and four right containers.

11.  Copy that main positioned container which is holding all the sub-containers and copy it.  Paste it back at the bottom and then move it over to the left.  Now go into the main container and change this to be 'from the right'.

12.  Next we will insert a 'new' main container.  This means that this container goes over at the left and doesn't sit under and indented to any other container.  It does go below the ones you've already inserted but only as to area.  Some may be confused about this.  By now you should know that a main container goes all the way over at the left margin.  This makes it a main container which can hold over objects but no other container is holding it.

13.  Set the left and right edges to 130.  Set the top and bottom edges to 50.

14.  Insert a background and choose your lightest color.

15.  Insert a frame, make it double and place it over the background using a size of 10.  Use your darkest color.  Repeat this frame so that you have two of them.

16.  Now we need to insert another main container.  Make it 25 from the left horizontally with a size of 25.  Set the top and bottom edges to 0.

17.  Insert a background under that container which will scroll down at the default speed.  For mine, I used a graphic called animated snowy sparkles.  You can use any graphic you'd like.  But set the transparency of this to 50.

18.  Now copy this new main container and paste it, moving it over to the left so it's a new main container.  Set the horizontal from the right and don't change anything else.

19.  Next, insert a positioned image, which will sit all the way over to the left margin and won't go inside your containers.  Mine is set 90 from the top and left centered horizontally.

20.  Insert a message area next.  Your top margin will depend on the size of your image.  Mine is 332 long so I set my top margin at 450.  The left and right margins are 150 and the bottom margin is 85.  If your main image is taller than mine, be sure to adjust your top margin so there is room between the bottom of your main image and the line where your text will be.

21.  Insert a sound next set to non-stop play.

22.  Insert a loading message.

 My finished product will be made available in the group after everyone has had a chance to complete this lesson :-)

Good Luck!

 Tutorial created by Ozmee, April 2002
©Copyright Ozmee.  All rights reserved.
No portion of any page and it's contents at http://scrippyme.tripod.com may be used for the purpose of profit.  All tutorials may be saved to a home computer and/or printed out if desired.

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