Frames Challenge

To view the completed stationery please click here.  And to download the graphics for this challenge, please click here.

Note:  This is a lengthy page so please be prepared for some additional loading time.  Thanks.

1.  Open up Scrippy and start up a new stationery by clicking on the white paper icon.

2.  Insert a left container, a right container, a top container and a bottom container.  Under each of these (that means click on each one) then add in a background.  This background is the color #103156.   If your 2-3-4th containers fall under the first one, just grab them and move them over to the left.  None of these go under anything.  Make sure to check 'Use the Selected Color'.

3.  Insert a positioned container and set all of the margins to 10.  Do left, right, top and bottom although I am only showing you the left and right here.

4.  Under that container insert a background and use the file gold-dc1.jpg.  This will be scrolled up and right.  I am not going to put an image in for each background but will tell you which way to scroll each one.  Set this to fast scroll at 50 pixels per second.

5.  Next please insert a frame.  This frame does NOT go under anything.  If it falls under your positioned container, then grab it and move it all the way over to the left.  To do this, click on it and hold down your mouse button, move it over and let go of your mouse key.  This frame is to be black, a double and the size is 10 pixels.  Click on 'Place over background'.

6.  Making sure it is positioned over at the left margin, insert another positioned container with all margins set to 20 pixels. Under that insert a background using the gold-dc1.jpg and set it to scroll up and right, fast scroll and 50 pixels per second.

7.  Add in another frame making sure it goes all the way over to the left margin.  Use the color #103156 and this also is a double frame, size of 10 with 'place over background' checked.

8.  Now here you can use the new part of scrippy that lets you copy and paste if you want to.  Copy the last container you made which has the gold background in it.  Everything will get copied.  Paste this.  Now grab it and move it all the way over to the left at the bottom.  Change the container margins to 30 pixels and scroll the gold background up and left.

9.  Paste the copied container in again and make sure to move it to the bottom and all the way over to the left margin.  Change all margins to 40.  Use the background called pigboybg1.jpg and this one does not scroll.

10.  Insert another double frame of 10 pixels, color black and check 'place over background'.  This fits over at the left margin, not under any container. If you look at the graphic just above #6 you'll see how all these frames are supposed to go, as well as the containers and backgrounds.

Let's recap and make sure you have your stat correct up to now.  You need a left, right, top and bottom container, each with their own background of blue.  Next is a positioned container with it's own background of gold.  A frame is next.  A positioned container with a background and another frame is next.  Then two positioned containers with their own backgrounds and another frame.  That is what you ought to have at this time.  If you haven't got all of that, please go back over the first part of this lesson and correct it.  Also, the only thing that goes under a container is the backgrounds.

11.  Now we are going to insert another positioned container and this one will be different from the others.  Set horizontal to center, distance of 0 and a specified size of 327.  Set vertical from the top, distance of 45 and a specified size of 324.

12.  Under that container insert a background using the gold, set it to scroll fast, 50 pixels per second, down and left.

13.  Insert a positioned image, this goes over at the left margin and not UNDER anything!  Use the pig-boy.jpg.  Horizontal is centered and vertical is set 'from the top' at a distance of 50.

14.  Now we are going to put in a positioned container with a frame.  Horizontal - distance 0 - size of 304.  Vertical is top, distance of 55 and size of 301.  Now insert a frame under that container.  The frame color is  #70A7E4.  This is the groove style with a size of 6.

15.  The next positioned container settings are:  Horizontal - center - 0 and 233 size.  Vertical is 'top', 90 and size 231.  Insert a frame under that container.  The frame color is #2E7ED8.  It is an inset frame size 6.

16.  Now we are going to insert four positioned containers, and each of these is going to have underneath it either a top, bottom, left or right container.  Here's a picture to show you what it will look like.  All of these containers go over to the left as shown, but the two other items do not.

Insert a container, horizontal is center, 0, size 212.  Vertical is top, 100 and size of 210.  Copy this container and paste it in three more times.

Under the first container, insert a left container with a size of 3.  Under that insert a background and use the gold-dc1.jpg.  Scroll this down and left, 50 pixels per second, fast scroll.

Under the second container, insert a right container with a size of 3.  You can copy and paste the gold background in here next.

Under the third container, insert a top container with a size of 3.  Paste the gold background in here next.

Under the fourth container, insert a bottom container with a size of 3.  Paste the gold background in here next.

Please refer to the last image and make sure that your scrippy looks like that shown.  If not, go back, re-read the directions and correct any errors.  If this isn't correct, your stat will not be as desired for this lesson.

17.  Next insert another positioned container.  The settings for this one are from the left and right 110 pixels.  From the top is 375 and from the bottom it is 50.  This is the box your text is going to put into.

18.  Under this container please insert a left, right, top and bottom container.  Use the size of 3 for each of them.  Under each of those containers add in a background and use the gold-dc1.jpg.  Scroll them all up and left.  A good time to use the copy and paste feature :-)

19.  Next insert a background.  This background is going to be EVEN with the left, right, top and bottom containers.  The color to be used is #103156 and make sure 'use the selected color' is checked.  Below is an image to show you how these parts should all be lined up.  Pay special attention to where this last background has been placed.

20.  Next add a ticker and the sound.  The sound is ants-marching.mid.

21.  Insert a message area.  The scrollbar color base is #004080.  The text for this area is centered.  To do that, type in something here and darken it in to select it, then click on the center icon. 

22.  Put in a loading message last.  Insert a graphic of some kind here, or simply put in some text.

Congrats!  You have successfully mastered frames!  

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